The General Secretariat for Olympic Development is the successor of the General Secretariat for the Olympic Games 2004.

The General Secretariat for the Olympic Games 2004 reported to the Minister of Culture and its purpose was to support the Inter-Ministerial Committee for the Olympic Games and liaise with the services of various ministries and legal entities in the wider public sector whose activities were related to the preparation and hosting of the 2004 Olympic Games.

To this end, the General Secretariat for the Olympic Games 2004 collaborated with the Organising Committee of the Olympic Games – “Athens 2004” S.A., the Olympic Managers of agencies and competent services and could request information, ensure that the necessary regulatory decisions were issued and monitor implementation of measures decided on by the competent officials. It could also establish working groups and committees, prepare and assign preparation of studies and programmes related to public sector preparation for the 2004 Olympic Games (as the public sector is defined in Law 2190/1994), host conferences and other information events and undertake related promotional activities.

As head of this agency, the General Secretary submitted reports to the Minister of Culture covering the activities of the agency, the progress of work and procedures relating to the Games and related proposals.

Where necessary, Prime Ministerial decisions could be issued to regulate issues concerning cooperation between the General Secretariat and other branches of Ministries and public sector organisations. .